Technische bijstand

Wij willen duidelijkheid verschaffen over de belangrijkste technische vragen die kunnen opduiken over de werking van onze producten en de stappen die nodig zijn voor de montage ervan.

Laatste vragen:

El módulo donde se instala la columna abisagrada Titane tiene que llevar 4 bisagras como mínimo para que el funcionamiento de la columna sea el idóneo. Para ello, recomendamos su instalación con las bisagras de cierre suave X91 o X92.

This light has a range of 600 switching cycles per charge before the battery runs out and it has an LED indicator that goes from red to green when the charge is complete following an approximate time of 2 hours.

The charging time will vary depending on the amperage of the charger. It is recommended to use 5V DC 1A chargers, therefore the estimated charge time is 2 hrs.

Yes, it is possible to recharge the Rigel light with a mobile phone charger. The charger needs to have a type B micro USB and should at least supply 5V DC 0,5A.

This light has a range of 400 switching cycles per charge before the battery runs out and it has an LED indicator that goes from red to green when the charge is complete following an approximate time of 2 hours.

The charging time will vary depending on the amperage of the charger. It is recommended to use 5V DC 1A chargers, therefore the estimated charge time is 2 hrs.

Yes, it is possible to recharge the Kaus light with a mobile phone charger. The charger needs to have a type C micro USB and should at least supply 5V DC 1A.

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